Cyngor Ysgol / School Council
Llongyfarchiadau i bawb a gafodd eu dewis i fod ar y cyngor ysgol!
Congratulations to all children that were elected for the school council!
Cyngor Ysgol Llwynderw 2023-2024 / School Council 2023-2024
Diogelwch y ffordd tu allan i’n hysgol
Gwyliwch y fideo yma i ddysgu sut i gadw’n ddiogel tu allan i’n hysgol.
Road safety outside our school
Please watch this video to learn about road safety outside our school.
Diwrnod plant y byd - Amgueddfa’r Glannau / World children’s day - Waterfront Museum
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Mae'r cyngor ysgol yn edrych ymlaen at gasglu a meddwl am syniadau newydd ar sut i wella'r ysgol eleni!
The school council are looking forward to collecting and thinking of new ideas to improve the school this year!
Bydd yna 3 pwyllgor o fewn y cyngor;
-ysgol iach
-ysgol eco
-llysgenhadon hawliau plant
There are 3 committees within the council;
-healthy school
-eco school
-children's rights ambassadors