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Ysgol Goed/ Forest School

Ysgol Goed

Fe fydd sesiwn Ysgol Goed i blant yr adran am yn ail ddydd Iau gan ddechrau ar yr 15fed o Fedi i flwyddyn 5 a 6. Cadwch lygad ar gylchlythyr yr ysgol rhag ofn i ddyddiadau newid. 

Gofynnwn yn garedig i chi ddarparu'ch plentyn/ plant gyda'r canlynol gan ystyried y tywydd.  Mae angen i'ch plentyn/plant i wisgo'r dillad addas i'r ysgol.

  • Esgidiau glaw
  • Dillad glaw
  • Dillad sbar
  • Het yn yr haul

Forest School

A Forest School session will be held every other Thursday starting on the 15th of September for years 5 and 6.  Please keep an eye on the school's newsletter for any changes that may be. 

Please can you provide your child/children with the following.  Your child/children will need to wear these clothes to school.

  • Dress in old clothes
  • Wellies
  • Waterproof clothing
  • Spare clothes
  • Hat during sunny days