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Cefnogi Fy Mhlentyn / Supporting My Child
Bwlio - Gwybodaeth / Bullying - Information
Welsh Reading for Parents
Cartref / Home
Plant / Children
Tudalennau Dosbarth / Class Pages
Siarter Iaith
Gwefannau ac adnoddau addysgol / Educational websites and resources
Cyngor Ysgol / School Council
Arweinwyr Digidol / Digital Leaders
Gwersi Offerynnol / Instrument Lessons
Newyddion / News
Cylchythyr / Newsletters
Calendr / Calendar
Amdanom Ni / About Us
Croeso / Welcome
Manylion Cyswllt / Contact Details
Pwy 'di Pwy? / Who's Who?
Dogfennau Pwysig / Important Documents
UNICEF Hawliau Plant / Children's Rights
Cwricwlwm i Gymru / Curriculum for Wales
Prosbectws / Prospectus
Rhieni / Parents
ADY ac Asiantaethau Cefnogi Plant / ALN and Children's Support Agencies
Cefnogi fy Mhlentyn / Supporting my Child
Gwybodaeth Defnyddiol / Useful Information
Amddiffyn Plant / Child Protection
Clybiau Ysgol / Extracurricular Clubs
Gwisg Ysgol / School Uniform
Profion Cenedlaethol / National Tests
Darllen / Reading
Rhifedd / Numeracy
Blaenoriaethau'r Ysgol 2024 School Priorities
Mes Llwynderw
Cymuned / Community
Llywodraethwyr / Governors
Y G G Llwynderw
Cartref / Home
Plant / Children
Cyngor Ysgol / School Council
Cyngor Iach Healthy School Council
Iechyd meddwl ac emosiynol a lles / Mental and emotional health and wellbeing
Iechyd meddwl ac emosiynol a lles / Mental and emotional health and wellbeing
Charlie Waller Memorial Trust - Iselder/Depression
Cruse - Profedigaeth/Bereavement
Meic -Cyngor a chymorth/Advice and Support
Childline - Cyngor a chymorth/Advice and Support
Winston's Wish Profedigaeth/Bereavement
Go noodle
Gweithgareddau Lles meddwl/Mindfulness activities
In This Section
Bwyd a Ffitrwydd Food and Fitness
Datblygiad personol a pherthnasoedd / Personal development and relationships
Iechyd meddwl ac emosiynol a lles / Mental and emotional health and wellbeing